ABM Grand Rounds: International Panel Discussion on Paid Maternity Leave

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 9:00am CDT

This webinar is a follow-up on the July Grand Rounds webinar on paid maternity leave and will feature an international panel of speakers to discuss global perspectives on the importance of paid maternity leave. Dr. Melissa Bartick and Dr. Zaharah Sulaiman will join the panel as two of the authors on the Paid Maternity Leave Position Statement. Dr. Sulaiman and Dr. Rafael Perez-Escamilla will share perspectives on the experience in Malaysia and Mexico with maternity leave.

ABM Grand Rounds is a live webinar program offered each month, addressing current clinical practice guidelines in the care of breastfeeding parents and infants. Webinars will be recorded and offered as on-demand content afterward in the ABM Education Center.

Speaker learning objectives:

  1. Describe the enablers and challenges that working women face in maintaining breastfeeding practices
  2. Describe the differences between formal, private, and informal working conditions related to maternity leave allocation
  3. Develop a global perspective to paid maternity leave


Course Details

Course Material
Zoom Link for Live Webinar
Resource: ABM Position Statement on Paid Maternity Leave
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